Moscow, Russia
3-4 July | 2024
One of the main goals of the BRICS Civil Forum “Right for Development: Equity, Equality, Justice” was to generate ideas for fair and just development and to explore ways to enhance the quality of healthcare, education, culture, and sports for a more prosperous, fair, and secure world. The Forum gathered more than 650 participants - representatives of the civil society of the BRICS countries and invited countries of the world majority. Representatives of the new BRICS member countries - Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia - took part in the Forum for the first time. The Forum was preceded by many preparatory activities. Nine working groups were set up. As a result of discussions each working group developed its own position paper, which briefly and reasonably reflected opinion of the civil society on the issues of the most concern. The Forum adopted Communiqué, in which the participants announced the idea of creating the BRICS Civil Council as a permanent decision-making body.