About Us
Over a decade has passed since Civil BRICS became an Official Engagement Group within the BRICS organization. During this time, Civil BRICS has steadily strengthened, ensuring that world leaders listen not only to voices from the government, academic, and business sectors but also to the proposals and considerations of civil society. In 2024, five additional countries — the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates — joined the BRICS family. The group has now expanded twice as much.

Civil BRICS is a platform that brings together a broad range of societal organizations from BRICS countries to engage in dialogue, collaboration, and advocacy on key social, economic, and developmental issues. It serves as a vital link between citizens of BRICS nations and governments, fostering a more inclusive and participatory approach to the BRICS cooperation process focused on people-centered development.

2024 marks a significant milestone, as it is the tenth anniversary of Civil BRICS. Falling under the third pillar of BRICS, i.e., the People-to-People Exchange, Civil BRICS has aimed to ensure that the voices of BRICS societies are heard in shaping the BRICS agenda through the promotion of policies that align with grassroots perspectives.

In 2024, the Civil BRICS Forum was held for the ninth time. While efforts have been made to hold annual Civil BRICS forums, representatives of BRICS societies recognize that the absence of a formal governance body and structured financial support for such a vital initiative could jeopardize its continuity and affect the implementation and monitoring of the Forum's recommendations.
Moscow, Russia
29 June-1 July | 2015
The first BRICS Сivil Forum was initiated by Russia. Over 400 civil society representatives, experts, academics and journalists attended the Forum.

Discussions during the Forum resulted in eight pages of recommendations from civil society in several areas, including Security, Power Industry, Economy, Trade, Healthcare, Education, Science and Social Issues. The Recommendations were submitted to the leaders of the BRICS countries.
New Delhi, India
3-4 October | 2016
The BRICS Civil Forum held discussions on quality of economic growth in BRICS countries, inclusive Multilateralism, Health and Malnutrition, Sustainable Urbanization, Youth, Livelihood Skills and Quality Education.
Fuzhou, China
10-12 June | 2017
The BRICS Civil Forum discussed new ideas to improve coordination among civil society organizations in the BRICS countries.
Johannesburg, South Africa
25-27 June | 2018
The BRICS Civil Forum discussed everyday challenges faced by the citizens of the BRICS countries.
Moscow, Russia
23-25 September | 2020
The BRICS Civil Forum 2020 gathered over 450 members of civil society institutions, experts, researchers and media representatives via both online and offline formats. The three-day program featured a series of thematic sessions, including Food and Healthcare, Education and Science, Economic Development in the Digital Era, Information Strategies and Society, Environment, Climate and Energy, Sustainable Cities and Rural Development, Women and Girls and People-to-People Exchanges.
New-Delhi, India
28-29 July | 2021
The BRICS Civil Forum held discussions in three thematic areas:

  • Inclusive Development and Promotion of Entrepreneurship in BRICS: Role of Technology
  • The BRICS Perspective on Society and Peace Building
  • People’s Participation on Sustainability: The BRICS Experience

The Forum recommended to Institutionalise the BRICS Civil Forum as a platform or an
ideas bank for the BRICS countries which will offer essential inputs on relevant international economic issues, and suggest concrete policy measures.
Beijing, China
May 20th | 2022
The BRICS Civil Forum was part of the BRICS Political Parties, Think Tanks and Civil Society Organizations Forum, and has received wide attention from all sectors of the BRICS civil society. More than 300 representatives of civil society organizations from China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa joined the Forum via online format. The theme of the forum was "Bringing into play the role of the BRICS civil society in building development partnerships".
Johannesburg, South Africa
1-3 August | 2023
The Civil BRICS Summit aimed to bring together civil society and academic organizations from the BRICS countries and the African continent to promote discussions and formulate policy recommendations on topics such as just Transition, Strengthening Multilateralism, Women’s Participation in Peace Processes, Post-pandemic Socioeconomic Recovery and Transformations of Education systems.
Moscow, Russia
3-4 July | 2024
One of the main goals of the BRICS Civil Forum “Right for Development: Equity, Equality, Justice” was to generate ideas for fair and just development and to explore ways to enhance the quality of healthcare, education, culture, and sports for a more prosperous, fair, and secure world. The Forum gathered more than 650 participants - representatives of the civil society of the BRICS countries and invited countries of the world majority. Representatives of the new BRICS member countries - Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia - took part in the Forum for the first time. The Forum was preceded by many preparatory activities. Nine working groups were set up. As a result of discussions each working group developed its own position paper, which briefly and reasonably reflected opinion of the civil society on the issues of the most concern. The Forum adopted Communiqué, in which the participants announced the idea of ​​creating the BRICS Civil Council as a permanent decision-making body.
In response to these challenges, representatives from across all BRICS countries have unanimously agreed to establish the Peoples' BRICS - Civil Council, following the example of other BRICS chapters such as, yet not limited to the BRICS Business Council, the Think Tank Council, the Youth Council, and the Women Business Alliance. This development is seen as a crucial step toward enhancing the effectiveness of Civil BRICS, ensuring that its recommendations are implemented, and that the Forum continues to evolve as a strong voice for societies within the BRICS framework.